Hello Lucknow , Welcome to our profile . Here you get most satisfying and safe call girl services . Every type of girls from different states of India are available . Services provided like Sex , Blowjob ,kiss ,Role play , BDSM , CIM ,GFE ,69 and many other satisfying services at affordable price. For 2 sots price starts from 3000 per hour. Different body structure girls are available like fat , chubby , thin , zero figure etc. Fair , brown and black body color girls are available, price depends on the girl you choose . All call girls in our agency are very friendly and gentle to our valuable customers , for them your satisfascation is more important than the timing , if the customer is not satisfied and convince the girl for another round even after 2 rounds are finished , the girl will agree. So don't miss the chance to have fun at your place with a sexy and hot girl. Call now.